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Mastering Pawn Play by IM John Watson!

Mastering Pawn Play by IM John Watson!

Regular price $49.50 USD
Regular price $99.00 USD Sale price $49.50 USD
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When evaluating a chess position, every master considers four key factors: King Safety, Material count, Piece activity, and Pawn structure. Most amateurs tend to pay too much attention to piece activity and material and neglect how critical pawn play and pawn structure is to assessing positions and deciding on the correct strategy of play.

How many times have you played what you thought was a good game, just to realize you're now facing a lost ending? Many of these endings are lost because players neglect to account for pawn play and resulting pawn structures. But you can stop that now and master the keys of pawn play with this new video series.
International Master John Watson covers these topics:

  1. Pawn chain 1 (0:22:50)
  2. Pawn chain 2 (0:37:02)
  3. Pawn chain 3 (0:40:10)
  4. Pawn chain 4 (0:36:38)
  5. Pawn chain 5 (0:34:19)
  6. Doubled Pawns 1 (0:31:59)
  7. Doubled Pawns 2 (0:29:13)
  8. Doubled Pawns 3 (0:31:51)
  9. Doubled Pawns 4 (0:36:08)
  10. Doubled Pawns 5 (0:33:03)
  11. Doubled Pawns 6 (0:33:01)
  12. Doubled Pawns 7 (0:33:40)
  13. Doubled Pawns 8 (0:34:09)
  14. Doubled Pawns 9 (0:33:45)
  15. Doubled Pawns 10 (0:31:57)
  16. Isolated pawns 1 (0:34:25)
  17. Isolated pawns 2 (0:37:30)
  18. Isolated pawns 3 (0:36:22)
  19. Isolated pawns 4 (0:33:46)
  20. Isolated pawns 5 (0:35:55)
  21. Isolated pawns 6 (0:36:13)
  22. Isolated pawns 7 (0:30:37)
  23. Isolated pawns 8 (0:30:32)
  24. Isolated pawns 9 (0:34:01)
  25. Isolated pawns 10 (0:28:26)
  26. Isolated pawns 11 (0:31:24)
  27. Isolated pawns 12 (0:32:01)
  28. Isolated pawns 13 (0:34:27)
  29. Isolated pawns 14 (0:30:57)
  30. Isolated pawns 15 (0:32:12)

Encoding: Mp4, Standard H.264, compatible with all Windows and Apple devices.

Total run time: 16 hours, 38 minutes

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