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The Complete Caro-Kann Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic

The Complete Caro-Kann Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic

Regular price $74.50 USD
Regular price $149.00 USD Sale price $74.50 USD
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Super-Coach IM Milovan Ratkovic reveals…

A Complete Master-Level Repertoire that Builds up from General Strategies to Cutting-Edge Novelties… to Take Down 1.e4 Opponents

Do you need a new opening with Black?

Perhaps you’re not getting the kind of positions you like or you just feel it’s time to really master an opening and get the edge every time you play it.

If that’s the case, here’s 5 reasons why you should consider the Caro-Kann:

  • It’s an ideas-based opening – no need to memorize 600 pages of theory.
  • Your opponents hate facing it. Play it properly and it’s very hard for White to get anything going.
  • You get easy development – unlike the French where the light-squared bishop gets caged in.
  • You get active positions (this is contrary to what many people think. If you end up with a passive position, you went wrong somewhere!)
  • It’s flexible. Don’t worry about your opponents preparing for you. You can switch things up in a number of ways, including castling on either side.

Ready to add the Caro-Kann to your repertoire?

Master this opening the right way with IM Milovan Ratkovic’s brand new Complete Caro-Kann

Caro-Kann expert IM Ratkovic gets you up to speed in just 10 hours:

  • Principled. Understand the big ideas in the Caro-Kann, how the pawn structure affects both sides’ plans, and you will always know what you should be doing.
  • Comprehensive. IM Ratkovic gives his tried and tested recommendations for every variation, from the classical 3.Nc3 to the Fantasy variation (3.f3!?) Correct strategy + killer ideas = quick wins.
  • Aggressive. Generate attacks in every situation with Milovan’s middlegame attacks. Discover how to use White’s plans against them and get dominant free-flowing attacks like this one (diagram).

Make sure you’re ready for the new chess season with a master-level opening that you know inside out.

This course is everything you need to master the Caro-Kann, even if you’ve never played it before.

Outline – Caro-Kann Defense:

CHAPTER 1 Classical Variation I
CHAPTER 2 Classical Variation II
CHAPTER 3 Classical Variation III
CHAPTER 4 Classical Variation IV
CHAPTER 5 Classical Variation V
CHAPTER 6 Advance Variation I
CHAPTER 7 Advance Variation II
CHAPTER 8 Advance Variation III
CHAPTER 9 Advance Variation IV
CHAPTER 10 Advance Variation V
CHAPTER 11 Advance Variation VI
CHAPTER 12 Exchange Variation I
CHAPTER 13 Exchange Variation II
CHAPTER 14 Panov Attack – Modern Defense I
CHAPTER 15 Panov Attack – Modern Defense II
CHAPTER 16 Accelerated Panov Attack I
CHAPTER 17 Accelerated Panov Attack II
CHAPTER 18 Accelerated Panov Attack III
CHAPTER 19 Two Knights Variation I
CHAPTER 20 Two Knights Variation II
CHAPTER 21 Two Knights Variation III
CHAPTER 22 Maroczy Variation I
CHAPTER 23 Maroczy Variation II
CHAPTER 24 Maroczy Variation III
CHAPTER 25 Other Variations I
CHAPTER 26 Other Variations II

What’s Included?

Complete Caro-Kann with IM Milovan Ratkovic – video course [10 hours 17 minutes]

This is the brand new 10-hour training from IM Milovan Ratkovic… a master-level Caro-Kann repertoire that builds up from general strategies to cutting-edge novelties. Want to get better positions out of the opening and know exactly what to do in the resulting middlegames? This course is for you!

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must-have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. The practical part is an important element of the course.

Applying the Theory [30-minutes]

Watch IM Milovan Ratkovic outplaying his competition with the ideas, principles, and plans demonstrated in the course. This extra video will help you see how everything works together!

Meet the Author:

IM Milovan Ratkovic (FIDE 2411)

is a Serbian International Master and chess coach. Some of his top students were able to reach 2400 and 2300 Elo respectively. IM Ratkovic is an active tournament player and one of his near-future goals is obtaining the Grandmaster title.

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