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The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory

The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory

Regular price $26.50 USD
Regular price $53.00 USD Sale price $26.50 USD
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If you want to become one of them,
then you are welcome to:

“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

It will give you a complete opening repertoire on the GM’s level
and will make your pre-game preparation extremely effective!

There is no guarantee that you will always win, BUT
I guarantee Your Maximum Chances For A Win!

In modern chess, computers have made opening preparation a very powerful and evendecisive factor. Strong players spend most of their training time on opening analysis. There are serious reasons for doing that. Every chess player can recollect the situation like this:

Your opponent makes a pretty strong move, which is a novelty for you, in the opening. You start feeling nervous and thinking for a long time about a good answer.
In the same time, your opponent is calm and confident. Of course he has already analyzed your possible answers and knows all of them in advance. It makes your problems even more difficult to overcome.

Similar situations to this bring very annoying losses :(. You understand that have lost not because your opponent was stronger, but simply because of your bad opening preparation.

Certainly, an opening preparation cannot guarantee a win. And I do not recommend you become obsessed with trying to study all the openings. I am absolutely sure that your general understanding of a chess game is a much more important factor.
However, an opening preparation will considerably increases your chances of success.

Let me say a few words about different opening materials. There is a huge quantity of different opening materials: opening books, DVDs, video lessons, encyclopedias, etc.

Unfortunately, they don’t help to IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS really. Why? Let’s clarify what these materials are.

By my own experience (I have studied a lot of different materials), I can conclude that there are 2 main categories of the opening materials:

  • A collection of a large quantity of opening variations without normal text commentaries.
    Different opening encyclopedias, informants, etc. are included in this category. The main purpose of such materials is to confuse a chess player and create a chaos in his head  By the way, I am not joking really.
  • The lectures (books, articles) of a strong (or not so strong) chess players.
    In these lectures the author usually tells the well-known variations of the given opening with superficial comments. Such lectures can be used for preliminary acquaintance with an opening. But it is only the beginning. It is obviously not enough for serious study.

Sometimes it is possible to find a good book about a concrete opening. It could be useful stuff, but even such books have 2 serious shortcomings:

 They contain only the well-known variations and games. Nobody wants to share their own analysis, novelties and so on.

 They contain a lot of unnecessary information. It makes it hard to use it PRACTICALLY.

Let’s say such book contains 100 pages. Your opening repertoire contains 30 opening (15 for white + 15 for black). Thus you have to study, remember and use 3000 pages of the opening variations. 1 life time could be too short for that . That’s why it is hard to use such opening materials for a pre-game preparation.

That’s why I’ve created this special opening course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”

This course will allow you to study the really powerful opening repertoire in a convenient and effective way!

The practical part of this course was designed not only for studying, but also specially for your pre-game preparation (during the tournaments). It will make your pre-games preparation quick and extremely powerful.

So what exactly you will get from “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”? Here is my detailed answer.

Chess course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” containsthe video lessons.

 Lesson 1: “Forget about the openings!”

In this lesson, I will tell you how to minimize your efforts and maximize your achievements in the opening preparation. You will know:

 The strategic principles of playing the openings.

 The typical mistakes in an opening preparation.

 Lesson 2: “How to choose the openings?”

After a study of this lesson you will know:

 The concrete recommendations regarding which openings to play.

 How to make the situation much more comfortable for you and uncomfortable for your opponent.

 When and how you should change your opening repertoire?

 Lesson 3: “The practical description of all the openings”

In this lesson, I will tell you the PRACTICAL description of every main opening:

Is it a recommended choice?
It is a good opening exactly for you?
Which problems will you have if you start using this opening?
What it is necessary to be prepared for?

This lesson will develop your deep understanding of a chess game. Also you will know:
 Which openings will bring you the good practical results without much preparation work?

 Lesson 4: “How to learn the openings effectively?”

During this lesson, I will show you the Grandmaster’s openings preparation in a real time mode! After learning the 4th lesson, you will clearly understand:

 Why does the considerable quantity of opening material only take away more time and not bring real results?

 How to take the best effect from your opening preparation for your preparation before the tournament game.

 The special recommendation from Anatoly Karpov, which he has used during the preparation for World Championship matches.

 Lesson 5: “Your powerful opening repertoire.”

During this lesson you will receive the complete instruction regarding the proper study of the openings from the practical part of the course (and all other openings as well). Also you will study:

 How to take get the best effect from training games?

 How to improve your opening preparation and develop your opening repertoire? Three main Grandmaster’s secrets which allow players to win games in the opening stage.

 One really powerful resource, which will provide a qualitative change in your opening knowledge. I am 99% sure that you haven’t used it yet (or at least haven’t used all the advantages from this method).

'It is not the end of the course!
It is only a beginning...'

Chess course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” containsthe practical part.

After a huge practice (as a player and a coach) I have realized which openings work better for different level players. With pride, I want to offer you a 

You will receive all the materials necessary for learning these openings.

Thus, the practical part contains 35 opening lines for your complete opening repertoire. The materials presented for every opening:

 The theory database in *.pgn format.

I have already selected all the best lines and have analyzed them. So you will study only the NECESSARY information. Again, you will not learn everything, but only what exactly you need. Using this way, you will study the opening quickly and effectively.
All the theory lines contain my text commentaries. These explanations will allow you to understand clearly all the important ideas and plans regarding this opening.

(over 600(!) best games for all the openings).

These games will help you to realize better the standard plans and ideas of an opening. Again, you will not study everything, but only the best and only what exactly you need.

 The detailed instructions about what and how exactly you should study.

It will guarantee that you will study the course properly and will get the best effect.

These materials will help you:

All the materials of the practical part are presenting in *.pgn format (the standard format of chess database). These materials are clearly systematized also.This will help you to use these materials for your preparation before the tournament games.

 The materials of the practical part contain not only the theory lines, but my own analysis as well. You will find some novelties, which will give you a strong advantage over your opponents.

“It took years for me to realize these things. And it took many months to prepare all these materials for you. Now you can study the complete powerful opening repertoire in 1 week!

By the way, the video lessons become more and more popular nowadays. Why?
It involves you in a teaching process and makes it more exciting and effective.

So when you start to study the course,
you will see the following graphic menu:

The graphic menu of the course (screen shot)

While studying the course, besides a chessboard, you will see text presentations which will help you to systematize and learn the course’s materials better.

Fragment of lesson 2:
“How to choose the openings?”

Fragment of lesson 5:
“Your powerful opening repertoire.”
(screen shot)

Technical information.

  • You will get all the programs, necessary for using of the course. So you will definitely be able to open the course and use it properly.
  • The course works under Windows platform only.
  • The duration of the video lessons is 100 minutes. During 100 minutes, I will be telling you the Grandmasters’ secrets, which will allow you to win games before they really even begin.
  • You will get the text version of every video lesson also. If you like to read more than watch the video – you can do it easily.
  • Even if English is not your native language, you will understand everything clearly. You will hear my voice, watch the video presentation, read the text and you can simply use a dictionary if needed.
  • You will get your special link for downloading the course after purchasing. So you DON’T need to pay an extra shipping fee and wait for several weeks to get the course. That’s why the customers receive the course immediately after the purchase.
  • The size of the whole course is approximately 60 Mb, so you can download it quite quickly (it depends on your internet connection, but it should be less than 15 minutes).
  • If you have any sudden technical problems – contact me and I will help.

Frequently asked questions.

  • “I play some other openings. Should I change my opening repertoire following your recommendations?”
    It is obvious that your results depend on the way you play.
    Thus, if your current results completely satisfy you, then you need to change nothing.
    If you want to reach a chess progress then you should be ready for changes.
    Usually chess players dislike to study new openings because it demands considerable efforts and time expenses. However for you it will be much easier, as you receive all necessary materials in the convenient form.
  • “Which openings are presented in the course?”
    There are quite a lot of openings there: Ruy Lopez, Alekhine’s defense, different Sicilian lines, Benko gambit, French defense, Caro-Kann, Scandinavian defense.. etc (35 opening lines)
    I do not answer this question in details, because simple enumeration of the openings doesn’t provide any helpful information. It is important to understand WHY the given opening is good or bad FOR YOU. Why one opening is highly recommended, but another one is a bad choice.
    You will find the detailed explanations in the course’s materials.
  • “I feel confident in the opening stage. Whether it is necessary for me to buy the course?”
    It is my favorite question . However let’s try to be objective. Do you usually get an advantage after an opening while playing against the Grandmasters? If your honest answer is “No”, you will find a lot of useful information in the course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

The best investment is an investment in yourself!

In this case you pay only one time, but then use the new knowledge and skills during the whole life. It does this deal on 100-200% (and even more) favourable to you. Besides, there is absolutely no risk for you. Moreover, I am ready to give you one more firm guarantee:

“I am ready to secure my promise by 31 days money back guarantee!”


Buy the course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” now and study it seriously. Learn the video lessons and complete all of the practical part tasks (following the corresponding instructions). Then apply these skills in your practical games.

If you do not realize (after the study of the course) how to apply the course’s skills, which I explained and if you do not make any progress – then I will refund you 100% of the price. Just contact me via the “contacts” section of this website, and you will receive the money back.

Unfortunately, if our teaching methods are not suitable for you, you might not be allowed to purchase any of our products in the future. You may read more details in our refund policy.

So, you can see, there is absolutely no risk for you. All the risk is on me. I am giving you the full guarantee of your success. If you don’t get a chess progress, I will refund you the whole amount.

I can give you the firm money back guarantee easily, because I am sure that “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” will help you a lot!

“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”
contains these materials:

The detailed instructions.

What is the price?

Let’s think together what price of such chess course should be appropriate? We are talking about the price for:
getting the highly professional tool for an effective pre-game preparation (it is absolutely unique tool!).

Of course you may buy some opening books for every opening line which you are going to use, then study them seriously, choose the best lines, analyze them, try to play them, analyze your games and find mistakes, change some openings which you’ve found not good, then play again, and after some practice you will probably create a normal opening repertoire.

BUT I have some good news for you – I have already done all this work for you! Now you can get the full chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” for only:
53 dollars.

The note: since the price is pretty low, it may come up anytime.

How to Get The Course Now

Chess course: “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.
Price: 53 usd.
Requirements: Windows platform.
License: For your personal education.
Delivery: Instant download after the payment.

First, click the order button below. Then choose the method of payment on the next web-page.

Grab it now and start your new way forward!

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