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Roman’s Lab Chess: Mega Pack Collection #2

Roman’s Lab Chess: Mega Pack Collection #2

Regular price $199.00 USD
Regular price $899.99 USD Sale price $199.00 USD
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Roman’s Lab Chess: Mega Pack 2 of 2 of The Entire Collection of Chess Videos

Roman’s Lab Chess DVD Entire Collection Volumes 59-117:

59 - Attacking the Kings Indian Defense with the Samisch
60 - Attacking Gambits and Opening Pawn Sacrifices
61 - Art of Instant Attacks
62 - Russian School of Chess Part 1
63 - Russian School Of Chess
64 - Russian School of Chess
65 - The Different Between Sound and Unsound Ways To Play Sharp Openings
66 - New and Improve Accelerated Dragon
67 - Progressive Way of Handling the Maroczy Bind
68 - Qd6 Scandinavian %231 Underestimated Weapon for Black against 1.e4
69 - Dzindzi Anti-English Complete and Ambitious System for Black Against 1.c4
70 - Refuting popular lines
71 - New Improved Lines and Novelties in the Caro-Kann
72 - Complete Grunfeld Def. with New Secrets and Novelities Part 1
73 - Complete Grunfeld Def. with New Secrets and Novelities Part 2
74 - The Dynamic Catalan An Ambitious Opening Repetorire for White
75 - Slaying The Dragon
76 - Beating 1.d4 With the Aggressive and Revised Dzindzi Indian Defense Part 1
77 - Beating 1.d4 White avoids playing against the Dzindzi Indian Defense Part 2
78 - Razor Sharp Lines in the Semi Slav Defense
79 - Dynamic Positional lines in The Semi Slav Defense Explained Part 2
80 - Reversing Giuoco Piano and 2 Knights Defense
81 - Easy and Promising Way for White to Play against the Najdorf Sicilian
82 - Easy to Learn Ambitious System for White against Hippo - Modern and Pirc
83 - Staggering New Novelties for White in The Grand Prix Attack
84 - Replacing the Ruy Lopez
85 - Understanding the Concept of Middlegame based on Opening Strategy
86 - Highly Instructive and Educational Games for the Grand Prix Player
87 - Highly Instructive and Educational Games for The Scotch Player
88 - Highly Instructive and Educational Games for Accelerated Dragon Player
89 - Highly Instructive and Educational Games for Black to Play Against Maroczy Bind
90 - New Revelations for B&W in The Burn-Morozevich Variation of French Defence (70m
91 - Practical Killer Traps and Super Sharp Lines for the 1.e4
92 - Staggering Novelties that Rewrite Modern Opening Pages
93 - English Opening
94 - Dynamic Reti Player
95 - Scandinavian Nf6 and Qxd5 Centre Counter Player
96 - Dismantle the Petroff Defence at the Highest Level
97 - New Systems in Caro-Kann for White and Black
98 - C3 Sicilian Alapin Variation
99 - Universal Way Against the Slav Systems
100 - Roman Centennial Chess Pot Pourri
101 - The King's Indian Defense
102 - Killing The Sicilian with The Grand Prix Attack
103 - Winning with new attacking lines against popular openings
104 - Amazing Tactical Possibilities in The Najdorf
105 - Remarkable Rejuvenation in Scandinavian Defence
106 - Strategy Behind Playing Pawn Blockaded Positions Right out of the Opening -Part 1
107 - Strategy of How to Get a Winning Advantage with Bad Pawns Part 2
108 - Strategy Behind Learning Tactics Easily Explained (92 Minutes) Part 3
109 - Strategy Behind Playing With Strong Outpost's Easily Explained Part 4
110 - Strategy Behind Positional Sacrifices for Strategically
111 - Highly Instructional Games In the Queens Gambit Declined
112 - Significant Changes in some Critical Positions in the Nimzo-Indian Defence
113 - Latest in the Kings Indian Defence New Idieas - Missed Opportunities - and Novelities
114 - Strategy Behind Pawn Breakthroughs in the Opening - Middle and Endgame
115 - The Art of Winning with the Isolated Pawn in the Panov Attack
116 - Encyclopedia of chess opening Part 5
117 - Encyclopedia of chess opening Part 6

Grandmaster Roman Dzindzichashvili is a former US and Russian Chess Champion, and coach of the former World Chess Champion and chess legend Garry Kasparov.

This chess DVD collection by GM Roman Dzindzichashvili represents an invaluable guide to learning chess openings, based upon deep understanding rather than shallow memorization.

The Roman’s Lab Chess DVD Series also provides instruction of more general concepts including middlegame strategy, long-term positional understanding, tactical awareness, and endgame mastery.

Viewers are guaranteed to improve their chess ability with the diverse expertise and high-quality production of the Roman’s Lab Chess DVD Series.

This chess DVD series is guaranteed to help the viewer improve by focusing on a variety of topics including deep opening preparation, forcing attacking sequences, dominating chess tactics, deep positional maneuvering, and reinforcing endgame principles.

**This is the lowest price available on the internet for the entire collection of 117 Roman’s Lab Chess videos.**

About the Author: 

Roman’s Lab Chess DVD

Roman Dzindzichashvili is a chess Grandmaster, former US, and Russian Chess Champion. He is also a well-known theoretician and a chess coach.

Among his students are 3-time US Chess Champion GM Gata Kamsky, and GM Eugene Perelshteyn.

Due to his encyclopedic chess knowledge, 30 years of coaching experience and numerous grandmaster pupils, GM Roman Dzindzichashvili charges about $100 for a single hour of chess coaching, which is undoubtedly worth it.

Roman’s chess videos cover the entire spectrum of modern chess theory – from openings to tactical play, strategic mastery, endgames and much more.

You get every single lesson Roman used to coach pupils like Gata Kamsky to 2700 Elo!

Is this product for me?

If you’re ready to learn from a top trainer (with a proven ability to create grandmasters), this chess DVD collection is just right for you.

The Roman’s Lab Collection consists of 117 individual courses with lessons like:

Positional Mastery:

Learn Karpov’s powerful positional evaluation method which greatly simplifies your thinking process and makes finding accurate moves intuitive and effortless.

Tactical Genius:

Get Roman’s checklist for finding hidden tactics. This checklist replaces lengthy calculation with a rules-based approach, helping you to dominate in tactical positions.

Dominate with Pawn Structures:

Roman explains all the typical pawn structures including the best plans for both sides and where each piece ‘belongs’. You’ll know exactly what to do just from the pawn structure – no need to memorize the opening theory!

How to Use Blitz:

Most club players are actually weakening their chess by playing blitz online. Dzindzi shares his personal practice for using online blitz to test openings, train your tactical eye and stay sharp between tournaments. Many fantastic training secrets waiting in this one!

These courses alone are enough to significantly boost your rating – and there are another 113 titles included in this collection!

Click Here for more information on each individual DVD that is part of the 117 Volume set of the Roman’s Lab Chess DVD Series.

Additional information

Running time

186 hours


Standard H.264, .mp4, compatible with all Apple and PC devices.

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