Amateur Games: Exciting Morra Gambit Declined
Amateur Games: Exciting Morra Gambit Declined
Exciting Morra Gambit Declined
Opening: B21: Sicilian Defense - Morra Gambit Declined
White gets a strong opening but then overplays his hand with a speculative Classical Bishop Sacrifice (Greek Gift). His follow-up is weak and Black is just ahead a piece. White tries for counterplay against the exposed king and Black plays inaccurately, allowing sufficient compensation. Then Black misses a chance to return some material, allowing White to find a pretty pseudo-sacrifice that can't be accepted or declined, and Black's position quickly crumbles to ruins.White gets a strong opening but then overplays his hand with a speculative Classical Bishop Sacrifice (Greek Gift). His follow-up is weak and Black is just ahead a piece. White tries for counterplay against the exposed king and Black plays inaccurately, allowing sufficient compensation. Then Black misses a chance to return some material, allowing White to find a pretty pseudo-sacrifice that can't be accepted or declined, and Black's position quickly crumbles to ruins.