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Attack with LarryC :Simen Subtracts from Ledger and A Fabien Lights up Noel

Attack with LarryC :Simen Subtracts from Ledger and A Fabien Lights up Noel

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Simen Subtracts from Ledger and A Fabien Lights up Noel

Opening: A20, E06: English Opening, Catalan

Player(s): Ledger, Adgestein, Libiszewski, Studer

Rapid games can be really interesting, and the public seem to appreciate the shorter time control. The London Chess Festival this year had a special Rapid Open event, with the Super Six (Caruana, Nakamura, Anand, Kramnnik, Giri and Adams) participating, to give everyone a chance to play a super GM. Hikaru Nakamura won the tournament with the amazing score of 9.5 out of 10, conceding a draw only to GM Sadler. GM Christiansen opens his show with a very nice combination played by Simen Adgestein in the London Rapid. The main course is a superb and rather complicated attacking game, played between Libiszewski and Studer at the Tradewise Gibraltar this year.

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