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Attack with LarryC : Navigating Rapids and Flying Pieces at Aeroflot Open

Attack with LarryC : Navigating Rapids and Flying Pieces at Aeroflot Open

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Navigating Rapids and Flying Pieces at Aeroflot Open

Opening: B23, E01: Sicilian: closed, Catalan

Player(s): Yang, Artemiev, Li Chao, Fressinet

Today Larry shows us two very interesting games, both played recently. The first game is from the Mind Games, just concluded in China, played between Li Chao (chess-awp in ICC) and Laurent Fressinet (Coluche in ICC). The Chinese super-GM sacs material to 'get there first with the most men', as Larry says in the video. the second game may well become a minor classic; it was played in round 1 of the Aeroflot Opening, which is being played right now in Moscow, Russia. Wen Yang (maomaozhu in ICC), one of the many 2600+ Chinese GMs, conducts an irresistible attacking game, sacrificing a rook on f7 to discombobulate the defensive formation of strong Russian GM Artemiev (Sibelephant in ICC). Another amazing and unmissable episode of 'Attack with LarryC!'.

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