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Game Of the Week: GM Benjamin vs. GM Hernandez

Game Of the Week: GM Benjamin vs. GM Hernandez

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GM Benjamin vs. GM Hernandez

Opening: E17: Queen's Indian

Player(s): Benjamin, Hernandez

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

In previous years I have often used the game of the year from the US Chess League for my show. This year the judges went for a game I have already covered, Naroditsky-Holt.
Since I obviously quite like that one myself, I can hardly complain that the judges scored it higher than one of my own games, which took second place. I was quite shocked as day after day went by and my game wasn't eliminated. It all got me thinking, maybe my seventh round game with Holden Hernandez, from the New Jersey-Rio Grande match, was pretty interesting after all. So let's have a look at it this week.

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